Financial evaluation

Our team has been involved in many IP asset valuation transactions and has gained extensive experience in the financial evaluation of IP portfolios.

We assist companies owning IP portfolios with valuing their property for bankers, investors and buyers. We also work for investors, natural persons and companies, by providing them with an assessment of their target’s value and by identifying any possible risks.

  • Evaluations of patent, trademark and design portfolios;
  • Evaluation methods adapted to various situations (future royalty analysis, market-driven approach, historical and comparative costs) and weighted by numerous coefficients (legal risk, strength of titles, scope of protection, ability to detect and prove infringement, economic risk, etc.);
  • We help investors or buyers to assess the strength of the IP assets at stake in the company they are targeting. In particular, auditing the quality of the titles (trademarks, domain names, designs and patents) is crucial for a wise financial commitment.