Sophia Antipolis     –     Grenoble     –     Nice     –     Paris     –     Monaco



Our team

Nicolas HAUTIER – Partner

Nicolas HAUTIER prepares and obtains patents. He also assists with a wide range of patent litigation (infringement, Opposition and Appeals before the European Patent Office). Nicolas HAUTIER joined HAUTIER IP in 2006
+ 33 (0)4 93 87 71 39


  • European Patent Attorney
  • European Patent Litigator
  • French Patent Attorney
  • Monegasque Patent Attorney
  • Graduate of CEIPI (Patents, Trademarks and Designs)
  • MBA Paris Sorbonne
  • Arts et Métiers Engineer (ENSAM Paris)


  • Patent preparation and acquisition
  • Opposition before the European Patent Office
  • Freedom to operate
  • Patent litigation and negotiations
  • Audit, due diligence
  • Patent portfolio evaluations
  • IP Strategy and Management
  • Fight against infringement


  • Microelectronics
  • Nanotechnology
  • Physics
  • Mechanics
  • Photovoltaic
  • Energy and Nuclear
  • Computer Science/Software
  • Artificial Intelligence


  • ACPI
  • EPI
  • IUP Nice intellectual property

Nicolas Hautier advises numerous groups and SMEs on defining and implementing their intellectual property strategy. He adopts a resolutely strategic and economic approach to industrial property, with the aim of ensuring that IP makes a real contribution to creating value for his clients.

Nicolas HAUTIER is responsible for preparing and obtaining patents. He also handles a large number of patent disputes (infringement, oppositions and appeals before the European Patent Office).

His MBA made him particularly aware of the economic dimension of patents, and he is involved in the valuation of patents and other industrial property assets. He regularly carries out due diligence and financial valuations on behalf of companies and investment funds.

He works in a wide range of technical fields, particularly physics, mechanics and renewable energy, on behalf of manufacturers and research laboratories. He also handles a large number of cases in the fields of microelectronics, nanotechnologies, software, AI and telecommunications.

Strongly involved in the protection and promotion of public research, its major clients include prestigious research laboratories, numerous university laboratories and technology transfer companies.

It assists its clients with patent grant procedures at both French and European level, and supports its clients with grant procedures in many foreign countries, most regularly the United States, China, Canada, Japan and Korea.


Professional Commitments and Contributions

He is regularly called upon by institutes (INPI, IHEDN) or business support structures (CCI, Incubators) to give lectures on patents. He also gives a number of training courses on patents to engineering and business schools and university masters specialising in IP. He is regularly asked by INPI (French Patent Office), incubators and CCIs to give lectures on patents. Nicolas Hautier is based in Nice and is often present at our Grenoble offices.

Nicolas Hautier is a board member of ACPI and FICPI (international associations of law firm and industrial property managers) and a member of AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property). Every year he attends the international congresses of these associations to meet his foreign partners. He is an alternate member of the EPI Council, the EPI’s governing body, whose influence with the EPO enables it to promote the recommendations of professional representatives.



After initial experience in the industrial property department of a major industry, Nicolas Hautier worked in a Parisian industrial property firm. Nicolas Hautier also acquired solid expertise in the energy sector in Denmark and then in California, working on a US Department of Energy (DOE) programme at Berkeley National Laboratory. He joined HAUTIER IP in 2006.