Sophia Antipolis     –     Grenoble     –     Nice     –     Paris     –     Monaco



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Eddy Latu-Romain is specialized in the fields of microelectronics and material sciences. With a general engineering background, he has acquired technical skills by working in various academic laboratories, institutes and SMEs for 10 years.
+ 33 (0)4 93 87 71 39


  • European Patent Litigator
  • European Patent Attorney
  • French Patent Attorney
  • Ph.D. in Materials Science – Freescale Semiconductors and LEPMI laboratory (Grenoble).
  • DEA in Materials Science (Doctoral School of Materials and Processes, INPG).
  • Engineer INPG – ENSEEG (Grenoble), specialized in Materials Science


  • Patent drafting
  • Priority search
  • Patent preparation and acquisition
  • Document search for freedom to operate study


  • Microelectronics
  • Physics
  • Optoelectronics
  • Materials science


In 2003, Eddy Latu-Romain joined Freescale Semiconducteurs to prepare a PhD thesis on the measurement of mechanical stresses in microelectronic devices. His knowledge of structural characterisation enabled him to join the Optronics department of CEA Grenoble, where he worked for 2 years on collaborative nanotechnology projects in the fields of solid-state lighting (nanowire LEDs) and energy (third-generation photovoltaic cells).

He honed his skills in materials science by gaining experience in the field of crystalline synthesis by high-temperature CVD, before joining Serma Technologies as a technical expert and R&D manager of the Grenoble and Chambéry laboratories. He provided failure analysis and construction services for many clients in a variety of fields (STMicroelectronics, Thalès Research & Technologies, Sofradir, Areva, Schlumberger, Safran, Essilor, Biomérieux, CEA). His role gave him the opportunity to administer and collaborate on a large number of projects involving industrial partners (large groups, self-employed entrepreneurs and SMEs) and academic partners (CNRS, CEA) at national and European level. He prepared and presented progress reports for French government bodies: the DGCIS (Directorate General for Enterprise), DGA (Directorate General for Armament) and ANR (National Research Agency). He also actively participated in various networks (competitiveness clusters, shared technical resource platforms), and took Intellectual Property awareness training courses. At the same time, he worked as Quality Manager for the Grenoble and Chambéry laboratories.

Eddy Latu-Romain then joined the Microelectronics Technology Laboratory based on the CEA Grenoble site. There he performed technical tasks (expertise in electron microscopy, e-beam lithography, dry etching and PVD metal deposition) and took responsibility for various equipment of excellence modules. He also participated in the supervision and training of doctoral students.

Eddy Latu-Romain has also regularly taught at higher education institutions in the fields of physics and chemistry.

His interest in innovation and new technology, writing skills and ability to take on new challenges led to him joining Cabinet HAUTIER in 2016.